The first volume of the Accarian Chronicles follows the story of a pair of foster-brothers from different races, one a Human named Amantius with a secret lineage, the other an Orc named Ulam with an unknown origin, who are forced to leave their home of Accaria after the King suddenly dies of illness, plunging the idyllic island kingdom into civil war. After their escape, Amantius and Ulam cross the ocean and land near the City of Silverwater, where they first find work as castle guards for the count, an eccentric old man named Aldamar who has secrets of his own. While in Silverwater, Amantius and Ulam learn of the looming threat of the Mad Raven, a being of near-mythical status who has followers known as the Flock. It will not take long for Amantius and Ulam to find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict, which ultimately pushes their brotherhood to the brink.
327 pages
| $9.99 USD
| 5.5 X 8.5
| 978-0578636467
| February 7, 2020